Association DALO

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DAHO, what is it ?

In France, the State guarantees an accommodation to anyone.

If you did not manage to get an accommodation, you can submit a DAHO (Droit A l’Hébergement Opposable) request.

This aims to get a stable place in social accommodation.

For whom ?

You need to already have called the 115 and not have been given a stable accommodation

You don’t need to have a residence permit or any income.`

People without documents or income can submit a DAHO request.

How to submit a DAHO request ?

You need to fil out and sign this Cerfa form and attach the requested documents.

To help you :

The form and the documents need to be send, to the secretariat de la commission DALO, of the region in which you have residence, via a priority letter with acknowledgement of receipt.

The steps of the DAHO procedure

After sending the cerfa form, you will receive a letter with :

 An unique registration number
 The reception date
 A deadline for the commission to give you an answer, which is six weeks after they received
the form

1. Your request has been accepted. The prefect has six weeks to give you an accommodation

You need to :

 Stay reachable and inform the administration about every change of your situation (change of address,
birth of a child, ...)
 Respond to the SIAO (Service Intégré d’Accueil et d’Orientation) convocations or to the
structures of accommodation convocations
 Accept the proposition you get or you will lose your priority status. You can only refuse the
proposition if it is absolutely not adapted to your situation.

If you did not get any proposition during the six weeks delay, you can submit to the administrative tribunal :

 In a delay of 4 months, an appeal so that a judge can give the state an injunction to give you an accommodation or condemn the State to pay a fine
 Without delay, an appeal so that a judge can order the State to pay you a compensatory fine
because you did not get an accommodation. This appeal needs to be submitted with the help
of a lawyer

2. Your appeal was rejected and you disagree with the motives of the rejection.

You can :

 In a delay of two months, submit a gracious appeal to the commission. This is a simple letter in which you ask the commission to study your case again. This letter has to be send via priority letter with acknowledgment of receipt
 In a delay of two months, submit an appeal of “excess of power” at the administrative
tribunal so that a judge can order the commission to recognize you the priority status. It’s better to be done with a lawyer

If you need help to fill out the form or for the other procedures mentioned, you can go to your town hall which will get you in touch with social services or an association.

Les Actualités de l'association

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